Past news and archives


Official visit of our Priory in Vatican

Documents of recognition of our Priory
access limited to members

The empty box


Bishop Joan Evangeliste Jarque i Jutglar


Exemple of our regular benefits activity to an Order of the city of Assisi


A view of St Francis Cathedral in Assisi


A view of the mystic Chartres's Cathedral in France, next head office of our General Priory


The Pope John Paul II and the General Commander of the Order.


International Chapter in Barcelone - May 2002

Major Cathedral of Barcelona, Great Mass made by the Bishop to Knights of the Order



Video of our Chapter in Barcelona:

Quicktime: here

Windows Media Player 9: here

You need latest versions of those players to to see this video correctly: Quicktime - Media Player



International Chapiter in Wettin in Germany - September 2002

The ceremony in the templar church was made by the German's Priorat chapelan, Andrea Penski.

During this chapter, St Ilario's General Priorat gave to the General Commandeur, Werner Rind the charitative gifts for the Holy Land.





International Chapiter in Wettin

Templar church in Wettin

(photo lended by the German Priorat)


From 23rd to 26th may 2003, according to the General Sekretariat's program, taked place the International Chapter in Assisi.

St Ilario's General Priorship has decided to :
1) organise a humanitarian help to Somalian missionnaries
2) continuity of helps intended about Holy Land
3) have a local activity (like help in Assisi's town), as a normal engagement of some commanderies et bayllies

St Francis's Cathedral low gate
- Brotherhood moment with a sympathic monk


St Francis's Cathedral high gate
- Group before prayer


Caritative Lotery

On 15 august 2003, in Rimini-Covignano, taked place the pulling out of the winning tickets, organized with the help of franciscans et capucins brothers of the Santa Maria delle Grazie's Sanctuary.

This lottery raised 1600 euros, that as previewed are destinated to Papua New Guinea's leprous and Jerusalem's hospitals that are under our protection.

With many thanks for his fraternal help to Gianbattista Montorsi, Sanctuary's Superior Father.



André Saumier, close friend of the Order left us: see dedicated page

The fransiscan convent in Rimini - Santa Maria delle Grazie has available some sacred music CDs
realised by our Priory. The benefit go to the convent.


Praying instant in S.Maria delle Grazie's Sanctuary.
Relaxed moment in the cloister with Father Davide


New Pope Benedict XVI.

Photo is a courtesy of the Vatican official web site.




Our mission of help to Somalia has been aborted because of the present difficult situation in this country. At the same time, we would like to remind the death of the missionnary Analene Tonelli, who gived her life for those we call "poors, suffering and disliked".
We pray for her and for this world that needs strong to affirmate his rights.

Following the day dedicated to the Holy Land, to which we contributed, our meeting with Father Silvestro Casamenti made born an exigeance to help the suffering Holy Land and organise a pilgrim to help local christians. Date isn't decided yet.


A documentary film on The Order of the Temple realised by St. Ilario is actually available. This documentary contains rare and unique images filmed on locations where the Order evolved.

Because of the limited quantity of copies available, the sale is reserved only to Order's members. Contact us for more information.

St. Ilario Priory realised with Pesaro parish youths a documentary film about St Fransis of Assisi

The knight on his horse

May 2007
Medieval Fest oganised by the Order for church youths.  


Ceremony at St Francis cathedral in Assisi for anniversary
of our protector St Bernard on 08.20.2007 , in exclusivity for our Priory


The Prior during his visit for a caritative mission in Venezuela

Sacred Music concert with caritative goal

20th August 2008 - 9.00pm


Information: PrioratodiSanMartino

September 2008 - General Prior's visit to the
church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome,
next head office of the Priory